From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 83 83 plays2008-12-14 Charles Billingsley Mighty God and Everlasting Father Last week, Pastor Jonathan brought to us a great message on this name first of four names: Wonderful… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 33 33 plays2008-12-21 Jonathan Falwell Prince of Peace Two weeks ago, I examined the first names, Wonderful and Counselor. Last week, Charles examined the next names Mighty God… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 18 18 plays2008-12-07 Jonathan Falwell 2000 years ago one of God's servants an angel announced a special birth to a group of sheep herders. The shepherds were told about the… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 103 103 plays2008-12-28 Jonathan Falwell, Doug Randlett, Rod Dempsey, Matt Willmington & Charles Billingsley -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 13 13 plays2008-11-23 Jonathan Falwell Part 3 - The Ugly Today, we talk about the importance of praising God in the ugly times. But, before we do that, we really need to define… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 124 124 plays2008-11-30 Charles Billingsley All of us have a name. First, last, and most of us even have a middle name. Each name has a definition. Most likely, you know the… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 17 17 plays2008-11-16 Jonathan Falwell The Bad Today, we talk about the Bad. Why do we need to praise God in the bad times of life? When it seems that everything is falling out… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 16 16 plays2008-11-09 Jonathan Falwell Part 1 - The Good Today, we talk about Thanking God in the Good times. Usually, we talk about making it through bad times why? Because… -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 16 16 plays2008-11-02 Jonathan Falwell I would like to take you back 3000 years in history. To a time where people though different in culture were not too different than us. … -
From TR Media June 3rd, 2019
| 25 25 plays2008-11-26 Jonathan Falwell Luke 14:15-24 is a very powerful passage of scripture that describes how God commands us to deliver a passionate plea to those outside of the… -