From TR Media December 31st, 2023
| 943 943 plays2023-12-31 Charles Billingsley 1. Settle the past. 2. Stop making excuses “One of these days is NONE of these days.” – Rick Warren3. Set your goals 4.… -
From TR Media December 24th, 2023
| 678 678 plays2023-12-24 Pastor Jonathan Falwell The Christmas story is found in a number of places within the Scriptures, but none more recognized than Luke’s account. Over… -
From TR Media December 17th, 2023
| 707 707 playsPastor Jonathan Falwell 2 Samuel 11:1-5 (CSB) In the spring when kings march out to war, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel. They destroyed the Ammonites… -
From TR Media December 10th, 2023
| 886 886 plays2023-12-10 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Matthew 1:5-6 (CSB) Salmon fathered Boaz by Rahab, Boaz fathered Obed by Ruth, Obed fathered Jesse, 6 and Jesse fathered King David.… -
From TR Media December 3rd, 2023
| 602 602 plays2023-12-03 Scott Bullman Joshua 2:1-21 And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, especially… -
From TR Media November 26th, 2023
| 1,015 1,015 plays2023-11-26 Charles Billingsley Matthew 1:1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac… -
From TR Media November 19th, 2023
| 672 672 plays2023-11-19 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Last week, we studied Colossians 3 in which we are called to put off the old, put on the new and change our way of living. In chapter… -
From TR Media November 12th, 2023
| 802 802 plays2023-11-12 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today, we move into chapter 3 of Colossians. In this chapter, Paul describes to the Colossian church the changes which must be… -
From TR Media November 5th, 2023
| 828 828 plays2023-11-05 Pastor Jonathan Falwell 1. The definition of everything Vss 1-5 For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as… -
From TR Media October 15th, 2023
| 799 799 plays2023-10-15 Jonathan Falwell Jesus First / Philippians 3:1-21 Today, we continue forward in the book of Philippians to the third chapter. This is one of the great… -
From TR Media October 8th, 2023
| 998 998 plays2023-10-08 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Jesus First: Philippians 2Today, we’ll continue looking at the letter to the church at Philippi for even more understanding of… -
From TR Media October 1st, 2023
| 1,099 1,099 plays2023-10-01 Dondi E. Costin INTRODUCTION At least once in your lifetime God will ask you to alter your best-laid plans to align with His, which will in every case be… -
From TR Media September 24th, 2023
| 936 936 playsGALATIANS: JESUS FIRST2023-09-24 Pastor Jonathan FalwellGalatians 6:1-18 NKJVGalatians 6 is a practical explanation of what “walking in the Spirit” looks… -
From TR Media September 17th, 2023
| 830 830 plays2023-09-17 Charles Billingsley Galatians Overview Chapters 1-2: Personal Chapters 3-4: Doctrinal Chapters 5-6: Practical Glossary of Terms Law – God’s… -
From TR Media September 10th, 2023
| 1,059 1,059 plays2023-09-10 Pastor Jonathan Falwell 1. An All-Important Question Galatians 3:1-5 (NKJV) O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth,…