From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 103 103 plays2014-12-28 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today, we're going to spend a bit of time looking back over 2014 in order to celebrate some pretty significant milestones in… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 53 53 plays2014-12-21 Pastor Jonathan Falwell We've talked about the Great Exchange. The exchange of all of God's goodness for all of our hurts, pain and fear. But… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 35 35 plays2014-12-14 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Let's continue today talking about the message of Christmas which is the hope of the world. Jesus came to replace all of our… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 39 39 plays2014-12-07 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Last week, we started marching towards Christmas by examining what Christmas is all about. What we discussed is that Christmas is… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 42 42 plays2014-11-30 Jonathan Falwell The Great Exchange: Not Sadness, But Joy Today, we begin a four week conversation entitled the Great Exchange. We've used this title… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 44 44 plays2014-11-23 Jonathan Falwell Psalm 100: Special Praise Service -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 127 127 plays2014-11-16 Dr. Ed Hindson Can We Still Believe in the Rapture? The recent release of the Left Behind movie based on the series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jerkins has again… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 36 36 plays2014-11-09 Jonathan Falwell Can We Still Believe in the Rapture? Last week, we talked about what's next. We talked about the things required of us to be the church… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 22 22 plays2014-11-02 Jonathan Falwell What Now?: The Next Steps of Being That Church We've spent a considerable amount of time asking the question, What If? In all of those… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 50 50 plays2014-10-26 Jonathan Falwell What If?: What If His World Became My World? We live in a big world with lots of moving parts and difficult challenges. There are crises that… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 29 29 plays2014-10-19 Jonathan Falwell What If?: What if His neighborhood became my neighborhood? What if? Remember a few weeks back when we stated that there are really two ways… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 19 19 plays201-10-12 Matt Willmington What If?: What If His Family Became Our Family? Our "What If" journey has looked at Christ's story, church and mission. Today… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 44 44 plays2014-10-05 Matt Willmington What If?: What If His Mission Became Our Mission? For two weeks, we've been asking the question, What If? What if we were the church… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 30 30 plays2014-09-28 Jonathan Falwell What If?: What if His church became our church? We began last week asking the question, What If? We talked last week about God's story,… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 51 51 plays2014-09-21 Jonathan Falwell What If?: What If His Story Became Your Story? Today, we embark on a journey that should be somewhat familiar to all of us. It's a… -
From TR Media June 5th, 2019
| 41 41 plays2014-09-14 Jonathan Falwell Power Through Prayer: The Prayer of Preparation Last week, we talked about the prayer of vision. Having a vision for what matters. Putting…