Search for tag: "heaven"
REVELATION: GOD’S TIMELINE2023-08-27 Pastor Jonathan Falwell God's Timeline Today, we will take a view of God’s timeline for all of creation. From the beginning until the end, God has always had a plan and…
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1,786 plays
The Story Behind the Song - Jesus (Stretched Out Hand of Heaven)The Story Behind the Song - Jesus (Stretched Out Hand of Heaven) with Zach and Rachel Bowsher
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282 plays
FAMILY MATTERS: MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVEN2022-05-01 Pastor Jonathan Falwell As we discussed last week, God created the idea of marriage as a perfect relationship in perfect harmony with a perfect God. This is what He intended when He made…
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1,082 plays
DOCTRINE OF HEAVEN AND HELL2022-03-20 Pastor Jonathan Falwell TRBC Doctrinal Statement: We affirm that at the end of this age the unsaved will be raised and judged according to their works and separated forever from God in…
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1,112 plays
Crossroads: Walking to Heaven2018-03-25 Jerry Vines Memory verse: Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your…
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52 plays
Stand Strong: The LAST Promise - A New Home2016-02-21 Matt Willmington REVELATION 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, John, saw the holy…
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50 plays
1000 Days: Heaven and Hell2011-03-13 Matt Willmington 1000 Days: Heaven and Hell It seems like, of course, we would talk about this. Jesus would talk about this. It's a little bit of a challenge. We know as we've…
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11 plays