Search for tag: "ministry"
REPEATING HISTORY: THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSISTENCY2024-08-18 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today, we come to the final chapter of the first letter to the church at Corinth. Here, Paul uses his words as a final reminder of what is truly important. His…
From TR Media
753 plays
Summer 2020 UpdateSummer 2020 Update from Pastor Jonathan -June 21st - Father's Day Baby Dedication - -TRStudents Live - Wednesdays at 7pm - or TRBC.LIVE -Student…
From TR Films
182 plays
Happy Easter Week 1 Sermon 3.22In this phase, teens can be resistant toward fully trusting God, especially when their own thoughts and friends’ opinions play a large part, too. Relying on God takes work,…
From Next Gen
43 plays
Undefeated Week 1 Sermon 3.22Undefeated is a series designed to help us remember and celebrate all that Jesus defeated for us at Easter. Because parts of the Easter narrative are abstract and difficult to understand,…
From Next Gen
62 plays
"My Road" with Julie FarleyJulie Farley shares the story of how God led her to serve by ministering to the next generation.
From TR Films
73 plays
"My Road" with Robert and Debra LugarDebra and Robert Lugar share how God brought them to the mission field to plant churches in Europe, but after a few short years realized God had other plans for their ministry.
From TR Films
21 plays
"My Road" with Steve DiazSteve Diaz and his wife Marlene are missionaries, but not in the sense that one might imagine…because their mission fields are the highways of America, and their vehicle of choice is a…
From TR Films
38 plays
"My Road" with Andres MilacciAndrew Milacci shares his story about the humble beginnings of Nuevo Amanecer -- the Spanish ministry on the campus of Thomas Road Baptist Church -- and how it has grown to become a dynamic ministry…
From TR Media
36 plays
Bible Center - The Ascension, Present Ministry, Return of Jesus Christ and Introduction to ActsThe Ascension, Present Ministry, Return of Jesus Christ and Introduction to Acts
From TR Media
9 plays