Search for tag: "marc ivey"
REVELATION: GOD’S TIMELINE2023-08-27 Pastor Jonathan Falwell God's Timeline Today, we will take a view of God’s timeline for all of creation. From the beginning until the end, God has always had a plan and…
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1,776 plays
COMPASS – THE PROCESS OF A DISCIPLE2023-01-15 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Matthew 5:1-12 (NKJV) “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and…
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1,340 plays
The Right Way To Make Things Right2021-02-28 Pastor Jonathan Falwell 2 Samuel 21:1-14 (CSB) During David’s reign there was a famine for three successive years, so David inquired of the Lord. The Lord answered, “It is…
From TR Media
1,471 plays
First Sunday in New Campus: Year of Jubilee - A New Start of An Incredible Journey2006-07-02 Dr. Jerry Falwell First Sunday in New Campus: Year of Jubilee - A New Start of An Incredible Journey Today, on this first Sunday on our new Liberty Mountain church campus, TRBC officially…
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699 plays