Search for tag: "dr. ben gutierrez"

God's Timing is Always Perfect!

2019-06-16 Ben Gutierrez Memory Verse: John 11:40 Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?""God's Timing is Always…

From  TR Media 791 plays

Everybody Needs Encouragement!

2019-06-09 Ben Gutierrez Key Verse: II Corinthians 7:6a "Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us..."There's something that every person needs regardless of their…

From  TR Media 501 plays

Nothing is impossible with God

2017-09-10 Ben Guttierez MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” What type of…

From  TR Media 142 plays

Unfinished: Never Give Up! Never Quit!

2016-10-09 Ben Gutierrez In Paul’s last “Will & Testament” (II Timothy), he offers a passionate plea to both Timothy and every Follower of Christ to endure to the end, serve…

From  TR Media 81 plays

Agents of Grace: Shared Grace

2016-04-03 Ben Gutierrez The life-changing message of God’s Saving Grace is worth sharing – even to those with whom we do not frequently associate. God calls each Christ-follower to be…

From  TR Media 42 plays

Portrait of a King: Watch Your Step!

2015-10-11 Dr. Ben Gutierrez “I thought It would never happen to me!” “How did I get to this place in my life?” “I never saw this coming!”So many people admit…

From  TR Media 42 plays

Don't Give Up On God!

2015-03-08 Dr. Ben Gutierrez We have all experienced difficult circumstances that have made us ask, “Why God?!” We have all experienced disappointments and have wondered why God is…

From  TR Media 86 plays

Trusting God's Timing: God's Timing is Always Perfect

2014-06-08 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Trusting God's Timing: God's Timing is Always Perfect

From  TR Media 146 plays

Finding Your True Identity: You Can Trust Christ!

2013-08-11 Dr. Ben Gutierrez You Can Trust Christ! Pastor Ben expounds on Ephesians chapter 6, explaining the overall theme of Ephesians: We can trust Christ.

From  TR Media 91 plays

Everybody Needs Encouragement

2012-11-18 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Everybody Needs Encouragement Pastor Ben Gutierrez talks about 2 Corinthians 7, which outlines a cycle of discouragement, and how to overcome it.

From  TR Media 37 plays

Romans: From Guilt to Glory, Part 6

2012-07-08 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Romans: From Guilt to Glory, Part 6 In part 6 of a series on the book of Romans, Pastor Ben expounds on sharing the important truth of how we can trust that the promises…

From  TR Media 30 plays

Let Us Take a Walk: Decide Today

2012-01-22 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Let Us Take a Walk: Decide Today In the third of a series entitled Let's Take a Walk, Pastor Jonathan talks about the great importance of prayer in our daily walk…

From  TR Media 34 plays

Do You Know Him?

2011-12-04 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Do You Know Him?

From  TR Media 104 plays

1000 Days: The Cost of Following

2011-02-13 Dr. Ben Gutierrez 1000 Days: The Cost of Following We continue our series this morning entitled, "1000 Days." This series has been so, not only informative, but really life…

From  TR Media 15 plays

Mythbusters: Church is a Time and Place

2010-06-06 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Mythbusters: Church is a Time and Place

From  TR Media 15 plays

Dr. Ben Gutierrez - August 24

2008-08-24 Dr. Ben Gutierrez

From  TR Media 199 plays