Search for tag: "wife"
FAMILY MATTERS: MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVEN2022-05-01 Pastor Jonathan Falwell As we discussed last week, God created the idea of marriage as a perfect relationship in perfect harmony with a perfect God. This is what He intended when He made…
From TR Media
1,082 plays
FAMILY MATTERS: GOD’S DESIGN FOR THE FAMILY2022-04-24 Scott Bullman “We live in a culture that seems to be attempting to redefine everything that God has ordained. This is especially seen in issues of family, marriage, and gender. Our…
From TR Media
1,217 plays
"My Road" with Thomas and Heather Harris"I'm not going to let my difficulties defeat my possibilities." -- Sgt. Thomas Harris, USMC
From TR Films
64 plays
"My Road" with Ryan and Sarah PettitRyan and Sarah Pettit share the amazing story of how God laid upon their hearts to adopt children...but the journey would not be easy. Facing numerous hurdles and hardships, God was faithful and led…
From TR Films
22 plays
Things I've Learned From Mom2015-05-10 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse: Prov. 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.Prov. 31:10 Who can find a virtuous wife?…
From TR Media
127 plays