Search for tag: "unity"
REPEATING HISTORY: THE CALLING OF US ALL2024-08-25 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today, we’ll conclude our study of 1 Corinthians. This letter is an encouragement to the body of Christ. It is not only an encouragement, but also a…
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1,118 plays
REPEATING HISTORY: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BODY2024-07-21 Pastor Jonathan Falwell1 Corinthians 12 notes a shift in Paul’s writing to the church at Corinth. While the first 11 chapters of the book are focusing on the dangers of worldliness…
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853 plays
REPEATING HISTORY: A CALL TO UNITY2024-06-02 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today we begin a Summer study of Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. Paul established this church during his second missionary journey and visited…
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1,104 plays
PHILIPPIANS 2: THE MIND OF CHRIST2023-10-08 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Jesus First: Philippians 2Today, we’ll continue looking at the letter to the church at Philippi for even more understanding of living with the mind of…
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992 plays
Father of fathers2020-06-21 Matt Willmington Men - YOU have a Father “Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s houseare many rooms. If it were not so,…
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1,180 plays
Following a God sized vision, again2018-04-29 Sergio Guardia Revelation 7:9-10 Main idea: May your Kingdom be done on earth, as it is seen in Heaven. God’s strategy is the body of Christ doing ministry togetherGod’s…
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110 plays
In, But Not Of... Part 22016-05-22 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse: Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.Last week, we began looking at a prayer. A…
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44 plays
Unity, Humility and Selflessness2008-06-08 Jonathan Falwell Unity, Humility and Selflessness Today, we want to move forward a few verses and look at Christ Himself, the ultimate example of this mindset. And, how He lived out the…
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39 plays