Search for tag: "trusting god"

Get Fit: Trusting God For Your Future

2015-02-01 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse – Psalm 33:20-21 Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in…

From  TR Media 30 plays

Hail to the Chief: The Buck Stops Here

2012-09-23 Jonathan Falwell Hail to the Chief: The Buck Stops Here Expounding on the life of David, the man after God's own heart, Pastor Jonathan notes three leadership lessons: 1) You will…

From  TR Media 38 plays

Trusting God For Your Future

2006-10-8 Gov. Sonny Perdue Trusting God For Your Future

From  TR Media 51 plays