Search for tag: "repentance"


2022-02-20 Pastor Jonathan Falwell TRBC Doctrinal Statement: “We affirm that each person can be saved only through the work of Jesus Christ, through repentance of sin and by faith alone in Him…

From  TR Media 1,195 plays

What Does Service Look Like?

2017-06-11 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse: Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.Today, we’re going to look…

From  TR Media 19 plays

One Week To Live: Getting The House In Order!

2016-02-28 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse: Joshua 3:5 And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Today, we begin the…

From  TR Media 64 plays

A Checklist for Christian Living

2015-12-27 Pastor Jonathan Falwell As we come to the end of 2015 and are just days away from the beginning of 2016, I thought it would be a perfect time for us to once again rehearse the elements of…

From  TR Media 60 plays

Best Supporting Actor: Nathan

2015-07-19 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Memory Verse: 2 Samuel 12:9a “Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight?”Today, we’ll continue our series…

From  TR Media 21 plays

The Marks of the Believer

2015-02-08 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Today will be a day of worship, recognition, repentance and prayer. These are all vital elements of the Christian walk yet rarely practiced in totality. Most…

From  TR Media 47 plays

Hail to the Chief: The Buck Stops Here

2012-09-23 Jonathan Falwell Hail to the Chief: The Buck Stops Here Expounding on the life of David, the man after God's own heart, Pastor Jonathan notes three leadership lessons: 1) You will…

From  TR Media 38 plays