Search for tag: "repent"
BEYOND WORDS: THE SON WORTH SAVING2024-05-05 Pastor Jonathan Falwell The Parable of the Prodigal Luke 15:11:24 Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. 12 And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me…
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HOW DO WE REMEMBER, REPENT, AND DO?2022-08-28 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Rev. 2:5 (CSB) Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. HOW? This is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit…
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1,294 plays
FIRST LOVE2022-08-21 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Rev. 2:1-5 (CSB) “Write to the angel of the church in Ephesus: Thus says the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and who walks among the seven…
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