Search for tag: "power of jesus"

Majesty & Glory ~ Hymns of the Church

2023-03-05 Majesty & Glory Hymns of the Church -O Worship the King -How Great Thou Art -He Leadeth Me -Amazing Grace -The Old Rugged Cross -At The Cross -Nothing But the Blood -There Is…

From  TR Media 870 plays

Outsiders: Jesus at the Center

2017-03-26 Charles Billingsley Today we begin a 4 week sermon series called “OUTSIDERS.” In this series we will take a look at the heart and the mindset of 4 different characters in…

From  TR Media 102 plays

Overflow: He Is All That You Need

2017-02-26 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Over the course of this series out of Hebrews 12 and 13, we’ve tried to convey a message that is so vital in our lives. Namely, in order to experience…

From  TR Media 61 plays