Search for tag: "ephesians 6"

Masquerade: A Final Word

2018-11-04 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Key Verse: Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.Today, we conclude our series entitled Masquerade. During this…

From  TR Media 63 plays

Power Through Prayer: Through Prayer

2014-08-24 Jonathan Falwell Power Through Prayer: Through Prayer Today, let's talk about prayer and how we can make it more than an occasional habit so that it will become a lifestyle for all of…

From  TR Media 67 plays

Power Up!: Power Promises Protection

2014-08-17 Jonathan Falwell Power Up!: Power Promises Protection As we've walked through this series, Power Up, there has been one major theme throughout' that God's power is more than…

From  TR Media 48 plays

Finding Your True Identity: You Can Trust Christ!

2013-08-11 Dr. Ben Gutierrez You Can Trust Christ! Pastor Ben expounds on Ephesians chapter 6, explaining the overall theme of Ephesians: We can trust Christ.

From  TR Media 92 plays

Let Us Take a Walk: Decide Today

2012-01-22 Dr. Ben Gutierrez Let Us Take a Walk: Decide Today In the third of a series entitled Let's Take a Walk, Pastor Jonathan talks about the great importance of prayer in our daily walk…

From  TR Media 34 plays