-Dear God -Speak To Our Hearts -Fill Us With Your Love -Bring Us Healing -Give Us Hope -Jesus Sustain Us
-Pray Without Ceasing
God, we sit here today in the midst of certainly uncertainty and confusion and at sometimes loneliness. And God, we just ask you today to speak to our hearts. God, we pray that You would fill us today with your joy, with your hope, with your comfort, with your encouragement. God for the people who are sitting out there who are battling illness and sickness during this time. God, I pray to bring healing for those who are battling financial challenge in the midst of this economic climate. God, I pray that you would provide provision to them and give them the hope and encouragement they need. God, I pray for our doctors and our nurses our healthcare professionals on the front lines. God, I pray you continue to use them, that today there would be people who call on the name of Jesus, that they will be saved in this hour. God for that we give you the praise we give you the glory, in Jesus name we pray, amen. prayer@trbc.org