Search for tag: "the waiting"
"Piece" on Earth2022-12-18 Matt Willmington Luke 1:29 But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be. (Zechariah Luke 1:12, Joseph Matthew 1:20, Luke 2:34 Simeon…
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1,308 plays
THE WAITING: COMPLETE JOY2022-12-11 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Joy – The inner attitude of rejoicing in one’s salvation regardless of outward circumstances[1] Luke 2:8-11 (CSB) In the same region, shepherds were…
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937 plays
THE WONDERFUL INVENTION OF LOVE2022-12-04 Pastor Jonathan Falwell Some Old Testament Prophecies of the Coming Birth of Jesus: Genesis 22:18 – And all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring because you…
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829 plays
HOPE: THE ANCHOR FOR YOUR SOUL2022-11-27 Charles Billingsley Hope is a healer Hope is a motivator Hope is the anchor for our soul Hebrews 6:13-20 – ESV 13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater…
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844 plays
EASTER SUNDAY2022-04-17 Pastor Jonathan Falwell On the Friday of the crucifixion, there was darkness and despair for some and feelings of victory for others. Jesus was nailed to the cross at 9am that Friday…
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1,399 plays